Wednesday, November 27, 2019

How To Decide When To Take a Lower Level Job When Youre Unemployed

How To Decide When To Take a Lower Level Job When Youre UnemployedHow To Decide When To Take a Lower Level Job When Youre UnemployedWhen youve been unemployed for a long time, there are times when you just have to give in to taking a lower level job you never would have considered before. Maybe it pays less. Or its got a much lower title. Or no title. This can even happen when you quit a job you hate, and just need to have some money coming in.But have you hurt yourself forever by making this downward career move? Not necessarily. Although that is the reason many people decide not to go the lower Help a Potential Employer See the Match? Resume Sample Business Analyst Resume Targeted to the Job

Friday, November 22, 2019

4 Myths Were Taught About Success

4 Myths Were Taught About Success4 Myths Were Taught About Success There are myriad paths you can follow to success - but if you believe in some career myths, youll end up at the opposite end of successful overworked , underpaid and unhappy. What are these myths, and what should you believe instead? For the answers, we turned to two career experts who will blow the lid off what success really looks like in todays workplace.You work hard, and you deserve a versetzung . But unfortunately, thats not how the work world works, says Lori Scherwin, career coach and founder of Strategize That . You need to promote yourself in order to stand out amongst a sea of talent and colleagues at your firm, Scherwin says. Being good at your job doesnt mean youre good at managing your career.To promote yourself - and therefore, snag a promotion - you must actively manage your career and put as much effort behind building relationships and focusing on the next step as you do on executing your day-to-day tasks, Scherwin explains. One easy way to focus on the next step is showing you can do the next job. It is your responsibility to understand what you need to be capable of to execute in your next role, and demonstrate that ability, says Scherwin. Just because youre a strong producer doesnt mean youll be a successful manager. So, make sure youre rounding your skill set to be functional at the next level.If youve been working for years and still havent reached your career goal , dont think for a second that its too late. According to executive coach Shefali Raina , the idea that you must start young to succeed is a myth. And its a dangerous myth to buy into. Believing in this myth leads to a self-fulfilling prophecy in which people choose not to pursue their big ideas because its too late now, she says. The reality is that success comes at any age and there are many examples of success at later ages out there, from Martha Stewart to Vera Wang.It may be coun ter-intuitive at first, but start believing this, Raina encourages Success is age agnostic, and one can be successful at any age - that all your knowledge, experience, relationships and resilience helps you build the success you want to create no matter age.All too often successful professionals romanticize stress because they think thats how a full life is supposed to feel, Scherwin says. But the presence of stress doesnt automatically mean youre also successful, she warns. People tolerate long cumbersome hours and last-minute requests as if its mandatory, Scherwin says. But it doesnt have to be. Long hours and face-time dont ensure you are doing anything constructive or delivering results.Whats more, when you over-extend yourself, you risk achieving less, Scherwin warns, as well as the propensity to take it out on others and ruining relationships in the process.Instead of gauging your success on how much you work, Scherwin recommends defining what success means to you - then finding balance at work based on that definition. That way, you are more likely to be productive and less resentful, Scherwin points out. Whats more, Scherwin encourages you to prioritize yourself. Tactically, cut out the clutter, learn how to say no and push back appropriately, and make time for me-time, she suggests.You hate office politics , but you play the game anyway because you think you must. But you dont, assures Raina. There is a misconception that in order to be successful in your career you have to play politics and that all politics is dirty, she says. When people believe this myth, they tend to avoid self-promotion or relationship-building because it might appear political. But, in reality, and in most organizations, career decisions are made by decisionmakers based on what they see, believe and perceive to be your value, Raina points out.So, instead of playing office politics, Raina suggests you take time to amplify your personal brand, build relationships, and netw ork. If you do that, Raina promises, you will make it easier for decision makers to see your value and you will be able to advance your career.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

How the ASVAB Score Is Computed

How the ASVAB Score Is ComputedHow the ASVAB Score Is ComputedThe ArmedServices Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) examis used to determineenlistment eligibilityfor potential recruits, assign recruits to military jobs, and aid students in career exploration. It consists of 10 subtests, and the scores on those subtests are used to determine the best jobs for those entering a branch of the military. Scores from four of the subtests are used to determine an Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT) score, which determines eligibility for enlistment. Each branch of the military has different standards.The SubtestsThe 10 subtests are each parte of one of four domains math, science/technical, spatial, and verbal.The math domainincludesArithmetic Reasoning (AR) Word problems using arithmetic.Mathematics Knowledge (MK) High school-level math.The science/technical domain includesGeneral Science (GS) Physical and biological sciences.Electronics Information (EI) Electricity and electronics.Auto I nformation (AI) Automobile technology one part of the AS* score.Shop Information (SI)* Tools and shop terminology and practices one part of the AS* score.Mechanical Comprehension (MC) Mechanical and physical principles.The verbal domain includesWord Knowledge (WK) Definitions and synonyms in a given context.Paragraph Comprehension (PC) Reading for comprehension.The spatial domain includesAssembling Objects (AO)Seeing how objects will look when assembled. *Note AI and SI are separate tests, but they are combined into one score labeled AS.Two Types of TestsA computerized version of the test (CAT-ASVAB) is available at all testing locations. Some locations also offer a paper and pencil (PP-ASVAB). The tests are similar and designed to result in similar scores for tests takers, regardless of which version they choose. The key difference is that the CAT-ASVAB is adaptive, which means the software chooses questions based on previous responses. On the PP-ASVAB version, AI and SI are combin ed into a single AS section.AFQTTheAFQTis a combination of the four scores from the math and verbal domains, which consists of AR, MK, WK, and PC.AFQT scores are reported as percentiles between 1-99. An AFQT percentile score indicates the percentage of examinees in a reference group that scored at or below that particular score. Thus, an AFQT score of 95 indicates that the examinee scored as well as or better than 95% of a nationally representative sample of 18- to 23-year-olds. An AFQT score of 60 indicates that the examinee scored as well as or better than 60% of the nationally representative sample.AFQT scores are divided into separate categories, based on percentile rankAFQT CategoryScore RangeI93-99II65-92IIIA50-64IIIB31-49IVA21-30IVB16-20IVC10-15V1-9The percentile score is based on a raw score calculated using the formula AFQT2VEARMK. The first step is to determine the Verbal Expression (VE) score by adding together the WK and PC scores and using the chart belowWKPCVE Score0-3 204-5216-9228-92210-112512-132714-152916-173118-193220-213422-233624-253826-274028-294230-314432-334534-354736-374938-395040-415242-435444-455646-475848-49605062After determining the VE score, multiply it by two, then add the AR and MK scores. The raw score is then compared to the reference group to determine the percentile rank. ASVAB uses the results of a 1997 study of examinees aged 18-23 as its reference group. Match a raw score to the percentile rank below to determine the overall AFQT scoreStandard ScorePercentile (AFQT)80-1201121-1242125-1273128-1314132-1345135-1376138-1397140-1428143-1449145-14610147-14811149-15012151-1531315414155-15615157-15816159-16017161-16218163-1641916520166-16721168-16922170-1712317224173-1742517526176-1772717828179-180291813018231183-184321853318634187-18835189361903719138192391934019441195-1964219743198441994520046201472024820349204502055120652207-2085320954210552115621257213582145921561216622176321864219652206622167222682236922470225712267222773228 74229752307623177232782337923480235812368223783238-239842408524186242872438824489245902469124792248932499425095251962529725398254-32099Minimum AFQT Scores for EnlistmentThe minimum scores each branch of the military requires depends on whether a potential recruit has a high school diploma or a GED. Those with GEDs need higher AFQT scores.For high school graduates, the requirements areBranchDiplomaGEDAir Force3665Army3150Coast Guard4050Marines3250National Guard3150Navy3550